Monday 12 September 2016

Mississauga Family and Estate Lawyer

There are a lot of things that happen in one’s life that are neither predicted nor planned for. Some circumstances are just beyond an individual’s capacity. Now, this is not because people put up nonchalant attitude as some would say, but because certain events must somehow happen in one’s life to get us moving forward. There are some inevitable issues or events in life that will definitely require the attention or service of a lawyer. Issues like divorce, land dispute, assault, estate issues and domestic violence. Even though no one could ever predict these things at any time, they can happen unexpectedly and in a twinkle of an eye, it would be as if one’s life just collapsed like a deck of cards.

Such aforementioned occurrences are the reason for the inevitable need of a quality lawyer. Bickhram Litigation a Mississauga family and estate law firm has the capacity to handle family disputes, estate issues and everything in between.

Bickhram litigation a family and estate law firm located in Mississauga deals with issues like divorce, custody of children etc. This Mississauga law firm is available to provide all the necessary help you need so you can move forward with your life. And where children are involved, we play an important role in ensuring that the child (ren) is (are) in the custody of the right parent.

Bickhram Litigation also handles other services such as interpretation of wills, family disputes and other issues. At Bickhram Litigation, our clients are our priority.


Sunday 11 September 2016

Canadian Child Support Lawyers

All Canadian parents are legally required to financially support their dependent children. It isthe child’s right. When parents live together, shared responsibility is understood. When parents separate or divorce or if they never married and simply live apart, the children usually reside most of the time with one parent. The other parent, thus,is required to financially support the children.In the late 1990s, Canada established a set of Guidelines that set forth basic child support amounts, the idea for which was to reduce conflict, encourage resolution, and ensure equal treatment of spouses. In most cases, the parents simply followed the Guidelines and agreed upon support payments. There are instances, however, where certain disagreements arise and one parent may need legal representation and/or the court’s intervention. The non-custodial parent may not be issuing payments, parents may be sharing custody, a parent may have an undue hardship (debts, disability), one parent may be wrongly using visitation to affect support, etc. There are so many possible situations. Hiring an attorney allows the parent to avoid dealing with the other parent and lets the process proceed more easily.


Choosing alawyeris always confusing and hard,as such a task most comes during difficult times. You should always select a lawyer who specializes in the field in which your matter pertains, as experience and knowledge count. As well, your lawyer must be licensed to practice in the province in which your matter is situated. You can identify many lawyers in Canada who specialize in family law through a simple Internet search. But, continue to search each prospect further. You might find articles or posts the lawyer wrote or even articles and posts previous clients or associates wrote. Either way, you may learn something vital about their philosophy, communication skills, and demeanor. Then, go even further. Call the lawyer’s office and explain that you are looking for possible representation. Did the receptionist speak to you professionally and pleasantly?This is also very important. A lawyer’s staff should treat all clients with respect and dignity. Ask for references and a copy of the firm’s retainer. Call the references and find out whether other clients were satisfied with the lawyer’s services. Finally, review the retainer to see if you can afford the firm’s services. These steps may seem arduous, but you want to be comfortable and satisfied with a lawyer you retain and pay.


The likely outcome of any family law matter is difficult to predict, but hiring an attorney with whom you feel comfortable, believe has your best interest, and feel is putting your best interests first ensures the best possible conclusion and leaves you feeling that every effort was put forth on your behalf.